Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30 2008

It's nearly July! I can't wait.

I also have this horrible problem: I can't go back to weird, ugly guys. I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to be good at dating nerds who were overweight, acne-prone and virgin-y... but I can't do it anymore.
I'm what I hate.
And yet, I don't hate it so much anymore.

I mean, I think I gained STANDARDS!

Maybe that's why I've been single for so long. Because I just can't stand lowlifes anymore. I'm sick of trying to change guys. I hate it. If they aren't what I want, then I kick them out of my line of sight in the mating form.

I mean, the guys that I've been falling for are guys who are fun to party with, who are slightly bad, and who are hot. I mean, seriously manly goodloooking, omg I want to do you here good-looking.
No more weak, blonde, short, timid, quiet, need-a-drink-to-be-talkative guys. I hate them. Hell, I can't stand them. They never want to do anything.
"Hey, let's go toss a frisbee around"
"Hey, no. Let's watch tv instead".

I think that's my pet peeve, guys like that. It's such a waste of male anatomy. Not that I'm all go-go-go-go, but...
heh. Maybe, then again, maybe I am. Maybe I always have been. I like being busy. I've accurately filled up all my weeks. I am now overlapping things because I just don't have time.
And it's summer vacay.
Heh, maybe I am one of those go-go-go people.

That's weird. Didn't see that one coming.

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