Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10, 2008

So, I talked to Chakiz today about what we are, and he made unbelievable amounts of sense, which makes me think that he's thought about it before... Which makes me think that he likes me... hahahahaa.
*dances joyously*
But we're not labeled at all, though. Which, is cool. I guess. I understand it now, so it's okay. He likes me, I like him, we occasionally please each other, and we're not attached at the hip.
Perfect, if you ask me.
It's because he's going away over the summer, and when he comes back, I leave for Peterborough. So, it'll be a long time before we're possibly going to see each other. So, why ruin it with regrets?
I don't know, makes sense. He's intelligent, you know. It's kind of nice, not to have to talk to a moron all the time. :P
And he's fun. And it will be a fun few weeks, before he leaves. Then a long, boring summer-I suppose I could change that. I'll work a lot. It will be nice. I'll always be busy.
And then school.
I still really like him.

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