Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30 2008

It's nearly July! I can't wait.

I also have this horrible problem: I can't go back to weird, ugly guys. I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to be good at dating nerds who were overweight, acne-prone and virgin-y... but I can't do it anymore.
I'm what I hate.
And yet, I don't hate it so much anymore.

I mean, I think I gained STANDARDS!

Maybe that's why I've been single for so long. Because I just can't stand lowlifes anymore. I'm sick of trying to change guys. I hate it. If they aren't what I want, then I kick them out of my line of sight in the mating form.

I mean, the guys that I've been falling for are guys who are fun to party with, who are slightly bad, and who are hot. I mean, seriously manly goodloooking, omg I want to do you here good-looking.
No more weak, blonde, short, timid, quiet, need-a-drink-to-be-talkative guys. I hate them. Hell, I can't stand them. They never want to do anything.
"Hey, let's go toss a frisbee around"
"Hey, no. Let's watch tv instead".

I think that's my pet peeve, guys like that. It's such a waste of male anatomy. Not that I'm all go-go-go-go, but...
heh. Maybe, then again, maybe I am. Maybe I always have been. I like being busy. I've accurately filled up all my weeks. I am now overlapping things because I just don't have time.
And it's summer vacay.
Heh, maybe I am one of those go-go-go people.

That's weird. Didn't see that one coming.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24 2008

So, I went camping with Chakiz this passed(past?) weekend.
Amazing fun. Until Sunday/Monday, when I realized that there are so many differences between men and women that I'm boggled humans have survived this long.

First, we got there, and the first thing I do, is set up the shelter. I hop to the tent. Where are we putting it? Will it be okay here? How about here? Is it flat enough? Soft enough? Shaded? Out of the way of danger? Far enough away from the campfire and the food table? Yes, yes, yes, yes yes. I put it up. Then I get to arranging the inside. Chakiz, where would you like your sleeping bag? Your things? Which side do you want?

The first thing that he did was set up his hammock. The second he did was get out his guitar and lie in the hammock, while serenading me with 'Hey Jude' tabs--that I retrieved for him from his bag. The third thing that he did was went to the washroom.

Well, at least that explains how women have survived...

But, alas, that wasn't the only thing. There were really three things we did. We ate, slept, and layed around the campsite.

Oh, and we also went to the beach. Where I learned the second thing about men.
They're always right.

"Put on sunscreen; you'll get burned," says he.
"I haven't burned in three years," says I.
Long story short: I burned.

"The cooler should go away in the back of the car," says he.
"Don't worry about it, the 'coons are scaring me with how close they're getting," says I.
Short story shorter: The 'coons ate well that night.

The third thing that I learned about men, is that they separate all of their little parts of life into compartments. When they say something, they mean it; nothing will sway their decision, because there's nothing to sway with.
Music is music; a job is a job; friends are friends; temporary lovers are temporary lovers; holidays are just that: holidays.
Nothing in their lives are connected the way that they are in women's lives. A bad day on the job will affect their sex life; a bad day in a supermarket line will throw a woman's life into depression.
But a man, a man will take it as far as the car, and then forget that it ever happened.

Damn, I wish I were a man, sometimes.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June, 20th 2008

So, in the last four months or so, I've heard from four guys that I used to date, who want to 'go play pool' or 'go for coffee'.
What the hell? I don't want to date anyone again! If I wanted you, I would have called you! Seriously!

Am I that much of a commodity?

I don't get it. I just don't get it.

And, what a time to get in touch with me, when I am set in t-2 months to move to Peterborough for THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Okay, well, maybe not that long. Just four years. But still... I won't be in Hamilton.

And all the guys I have around all the time, all the guys I hang out with, and they all want to get with me in the last two months of my stay in Hamilton.

Well, sorry to say it, guys, but I'm leaving. I'm not carrying any permanent relationships, unless Chakizetta wants to try an open ltr. Which, chances are, is impossible.

Fancy that. The guy I like is the guy who's not interested. Maybe in four years he will be.

Seriously, though! What the hell? I'm a terrible girlfriend, I can't stand being committed, I hate people half the time, I complain a lot, and... well, lots of things. I like being alone, I like having my way, I like being adored, I love attention, and I lavish the guy when I'm obsessed.

Why me?

Who am I kidding. I love the attention. It rocks. I especially love it when their faces fall when I say "I'm moving to Peterborough for school in two months."

Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13, 2008

I find myself saying "whatever" a lot lately...
"My summer's gonna suck." "Whatever."
"He's ignoring me again." "Whatever."
"I hate life." "Whatever."

I feel like two different people sometimes, one me that's an automatic jump in who doesn't think, and then the after-me, who smacks me inside my head and says "You're a friggen moron, why did you do that? Now I have to go clean up the mess you made..."

I wonder if I'm schizophrenic?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10, 2008

So, I talked to Chakiz today about what we are, and he made unbelievable amounts of sense, which makes me think that he's thought about it before... Which makes me think that he likes me... hahahahaa.
*dances joyously*
But we're not labeled at all, though. Which, is cool. I guess. I understand it now, so it's okay. He likes me, I like him, we occasionally please each other, and we're not attached at the hip.
Perfect, if you ask me.
It's because he's going away over the summer, and when he comes back, I leave for Peterborough. So, it'll be a long time before we're possibly going to see each other. So, why ruin it with regrets?
I don't know, makes sense. He's intelligent, you know. It's kind of nice, not to have to talk to a moron all the time. :P
And he's fun. And it will be a fun few weeks, before he leaves. Then a long, boring summer-I suppose I could change that. I'll work a lot. It will be nice. I'll always be busy.
And then school.
I still really like him.

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9, 2008

Hm... I can't remember if this is the only june 9th entry. Sorry if it is.
So at work, I did a lot of thinking and decided to talk to Chakiz (who, btw, IS single... well... yeah. So now we're just... enjoying each other?)
Anyway, so I was getting sick of not knowing and being on the wall all the time-- because I really, really like him. But I don't want to be falling for him if he doesn't want me to, because then that would be one more guy I've been obsessed with that just DOESN'T want me like that. I would be very disappointed, because I really like this one.
And one more reason why I should like him: I said: "I think we need to talk" which usually, in dating land, translates to either "I've cheated on you" or "I'm dumping you"... but I've had guys laugh when I said that, only to have them then dump me with that line. Anyway, I think that I'd like to change this connotation. I don't mean that. I like Chakizetta a lot. So much. It's bad because I'm starting to think that if he wants to meet me half way, even him going away in the summer and me going away all school year, we could actually make this work. I want, more than anything right now, to make this work. Like, badly.
Very, very much. He has a personality that fights mine for dominance, but I don't know if one will ever really come out on top--but it's always interesting.
Anyway, I think I scared the poor tall man, because he was like... >eek< and just kinda buggered off of msn when I said that. Haha. Oops. So next time, I need to think up better words. 'Cause it's the exact opposite of what he thinks I meant that I did mean.
I just want to ask him if he wants to get more serious :O
Yeah. That's what I said.
I'll give up being single and all that jazz so that I can be happier with him.
I've gone insane.
Insanely insane.
Someone make sure I'm not sleeping:P But it makes me happy to think about it. I want this, a lot. In fact I feel all fuzzy about him.

Euw. I sound sickening.

It's the music: Carly Simon-You just call out my name
Maroon 5--Sunday Morning

OOh, caught the end of the one song when I remembered I was supposed to be writing them down. Haha. Then it went into Maroon 5.

Hm... I appreciate Chakiz.
I desire him.
I long for his touch,
and I even want his little mood swings to continue.

Mmm... and he smells so good. :D
And I get to keep him for like, three nights, all to myself! I'm going camping with him, at Turkey Point! I can't wait!:D I hope it's awesome. I'm so excited.

And, Trent U sent me the forms for the everything for rez. I got into LEC, Lady Eaton College, single room. :P Means I can have *friend(s)* over. And if Chakiz says he wants to go more serious, you can bet your ass that I'll drive all the friggen way to Hamilton to get him, to bring him back to dorm for three days, where I'll be happily entertaining him.
But Apparently people can't be over for more than three days at any one time.
It's weird.
;P I'll bet I just figured out another way around the system though. He can't stay in my room for more than three days, but he can stay in three of my friends' rooms for three days, and three days, and three days...lmao. Aah, finding ways around laws is so much fun.
Anyway, I lurve the way I feel right now; I'm not so horrible feeling like I have been all day because I was so confused about where we (chakiz and I) are. Now, at least, it's kind of out there, minus a few main ideas.

Guys, I really hope he's not weirded out. But it's too late to avoid bringing up now... So, wish me luck!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8, 2008

Man, my parents are annoying.
I bought a used Mac laptop--it was cheaper then my dell was. So I bought it. I'm not sure whether or not I want to keep or sell it--I'll probably keep it for a while and then use ebay to sell it off. Now, with that, I also think that it was a good decision--it was a good price and I did NOT have to pay for s&h.
Well, my dad was all "grr" because I didn't run the scheme past him first.
Well, guess what: I'm old enough to make decisions. It was in cash, it wasn't charge, and it was a clean deal.
I'm old enough to know that I have things to pay for, but who's to say I won't sell it for slightly more? Or even break even? I can, it's physically possible. Even if I lose a bit, it won't hurt me.
Man! The audacity.
The horrendous assumptions! Gar!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 7, 2008

I don't know if I could deal with a man moving off to military all the time... I spend all my time thinking about them not being here, and wondering, and thinking, and I haven't even admitted how much I like him to him yet. Gods only know what would happen if I did.

Okay, so I was just reading through old journal entries (of the diary that I keep on my computer), and this one strikes my fancy. It's so funny :P
Well, what did I do today?
I woke up
I went pee and brushed my teeth.
I brushed my hair. Actually, I think I brushed my hair before #2.
I ate some raisin bread with butter on it that I heated up in the morning.
I contemplated not going to school, and then did anyway.
I put all the school stuff in my backpack, except the two envelopes that I needed to bring. I did NOT get photocopies of my stuff.
I walked to school and got there close enough to on time that it counted.
I fought with my English teacher in my head. STICK IT TO THE MAN!
I threw myself on the floor and let out a bloodcurling screech, flailing wildly at the pain which coursed through my body like a soldering gun was being run up and down my extremities… Oh, wait, that wasn’t me. That was my daydream. Right. Story ideas.
I planned a bit more of the Kaylana story.
I left English before the bell rang because she dismissed us, and I walked to photography
Where I developed film.
I realized that my mp3 player is screwed up so badly that it won’t even be acknowledged as a media hardware… it keeps saying that the files are corrupted.
I went to lunch, and talked a lot. I ate pasta salad and tried dr.pepper chocolate-cherry, which was okay, I suppose. It would be gross to mix, though.
I talked to Josh, who said that the best thing to do to fix it is to search the player and Linux, or just to buy a new one.
I went to guidance and waited until I couldn’t wait anymore, and left.
I walked to my art classroom and ran into Kat who decided to tell me she was going to the washroom for a number two.
I laughed all the way to the art class with Teresa and Devon.
I did art, and complained a lot, but I think that I figured out what I’m doing for all my project components.
I looked at pictures of art that were abstract to try and understand what it was to be ‘abstract’.
I understood what abstract was, sort of.
I left art when the bell rang.
I put my stuff in my bag and stood up, and said goodbye to ms. Roglic, and to Teresa and Devon.
I walked east, S, stopped at my locker, S, and then to guidance, which was E, and stood around to pick up my Transcript. I didn’t get the stuff I needed to signed, since it’s at home. But that’s okay.
I walked to Communications where I sit now, only on the other side of the comm.. class, because there are no more computers on the wall, and I’m not kicking someone off, so I’m using my laptop, but there’s no Ethernet cable in the #5 port, so I can’t connect to the net… tonight. But I’ll fix that when I go out tonight and buy me an Ethernet cable. Yay!
I sat down and began to write the diary, and exactly what I had done that day. I’m currently thinking about just sitting and daydreaming of rugby, rugby men and sex. But that’s the future thought. And now I’m considering to write a story about Nifzeta and Edward, to continue “Post-secondary Love” Where they’re sort of like Kay and Mark, but not quite, because they get along, they meet on a sports team athletic meeting, and they’re really close before Mark gives up and tells her that he’s sleeping with her whether or not she wants to. Now I’m wondering if I can escape this infernal cold in any way, because I’m insanely cold.
I’m going to stand up and… probably have aneurisms. Which I can’t spell. Aneurism. Aneurism. Aneurism. Aneurism. Yeah, a-n-e-u-r-i-s-m. That’s about right.
I don’t know what I’ll do after that, nor do I think I should be conscious after that, so it won’t matter.

I'm lmao right now. :P

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008

Today is Friday. I think I've fallen for this guy. I don't know how. It just happened. What a way to go. I want to date him. Seriously. I mean, really. To the point where I have to stop talking to avoid bringing up the issue. I'm sure I've offended him, but I hope the smiling is enough to keep him here...
I like that word. Where did I get it from? Maybe Silver. Actually, probably Silver. She seems the most likely source.
Duhr. What happened to "I want to stay single so that I don't have to dump anyone before University?"
Now I'm thinking "Maybe I could work out a long-distance. I mean, three and a half hours isn't that bad, and we both like driving. It could work!"
*sigh* I like him. I really do. I like his little temper tantrums which aren't like any I've seen except for mine-where silence is the best offense. He does that! He does it well! Fight, fight, fight, drop the subject and sulk until you get your way:P.
Anyone who knows me and who's been in a fight with me knows that's the way to go. I always get my way with it.
Seriously. Man, I don't know... I think I'm going nuts again. Obsessing over things. Except, except that this one might come to fruition. This one could work. This one might be a good thing to obsess over. Hahaha, man, if he reads this, I'm going to be... crazily embarrassed. Maybe I should stop. Then again, why would he find this? I mean, seriously, no one knows about it unless I've told them about it--which I generally don't. And I don't label my posts, because this is more like a personal blog than a public one... And that's the way I like it.
Okay, well, I have to go wash the drool off of my face now. :D Bye!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5, 2008

Man. I want to be a fly.
A fly on the wall.
I have a severe interest in a guy. A guy at school, no less. And interest so severe that I've automatically contracted one-itis since I found out he didn't have a girlfriend.

And what makes it worse is that I see him, all the time. All the time. Every day. Well, not all the time. Gods, I'm not even dating him and all I can think about is him. Gah.
Ahahaha...oh, and like Mr. D said, I think he might have an interest in me, if Friday, Monday and Tuesday have anything at all to do with life.
But then today... I dunno. He seemed so uninterested. His body language was all off. Maybe he was just thinking, like G-Man said.
Hey! That would make sense. Okay. I'll go with that for now. I feel a little less stupid for being kind of confused, now.
Man, I hate understanding women. It makes men really, really confusing.