Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27 2008

So, I, Ever the geek, have found an interesting tidbit. Apparently it isn't too well known, because so many people are more likely to gossip about what that senator who slept with the prostitute is up to or the fact that Brangelina's related to Hilary and Obama...
No. My geeky tidbit is the best one I've personally heard in a long time.
They found water on one of Saturn's moons. Now, they're thinking that there is a potential heat spring beneath the surface of this little celestial body, Enceladus may actually have liquid water and therefore a potential for life!
Isn't that cool? Then we wouldn't be the only discovered-by-us- living things in the world as we know it.
Wow. Just found something out. Did you know we can't 'see' planets beyond a certain point? It's true. So now, what? Everyone tells their kids that there's no such thing as aliens, but what if THEY'RE LYING???
Going back to Enceladus, there's a hot spot at the southern pole that allows it to have a potential for a life. It also has something of an atmosphere.
Oh, man. It's so exciting to hear news like that since they knocked Pluto off the Solar System Heavenly Bodies list. I loved Pluto. It kicked Neptune's ass. Totally. And Mercury's. Definitely not Saturn's or Uranus' though. Those planets are my homies.
Hahaha. I think I'm going to make a solar system chart of small-scale for when I go away to school in the fall. And Then I'll put it up on a wall someone so everyone knows just how nerdy I am. Don't mess with the nerd-chick.
That would rock my socks.
And so, I suppose I could stop talking now, but I won't.
Did you know that in Spain they also found the continent's oldest human bone? It was a jaw bone of homo (okay, stop giggling) antecessor. This relation could be something related to both Neanderthals and Humans. (Another missing evolution? Or just a hoax?)
Anyway, they're saying it's 500 000 years older than the oldest known human remains found on that entire continent. It's about 1.3 million years old.
Think how long a million years old is. These bones have existed that long.
Really. there's:
1 Year. A baby should be making noises and stuff.
10 Years. A kid should be rollerblading and going to school by this time.
100 Years. We're dead, mostly. (Or are we mostly dead?)
1000 Years. Assuming there's a new generation every twenty years, there've been 50 generations of people. 50.
10000 Years. Entire geological changes are made. Look at the ice age. Look at global warming, which is only taking forty or fifty years. That could severely damage any chance of surviving fossils.
100000 Years. Now, come on. Can you even THINK of how much time this is? What happened a hundred thousand years ago? I don't even know... let's see... it was called the Pleistocene Epoch... All those fun, huge, death-inducing animals were around. Mammoths, Sabre-toothed tigers, giant sloths... you know, all that fun, scary stuff. YAY!
1000000 Years. This is a million. This is only one million. Add on the rest of the years to make it 1.3 million is crazy. Fire was still relatively new**, apparently. Like, hellloooo! That's a friggen long time!

Now, that's all fine and dandy, except for the people who said that the timing of humans leaving their Africa was one thing when clearly, we have a human being who left just a wee bit earlier. These remains are said to bear resemblence to a fossil dug up from Soviet's Georgia (ooh, it was his brother!)

You know, I'd like to be found, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years from now. That would be cool. It was the Mesozoic era... ish. Well, the end of it, and closer to the beginning of the Cretaceous era. There were still dinosaurs, I'm assuming, since the next section won't start until 66 Ma (Million Years Ago).
And they would have lived through the ice age and all that, I'm thinking.
Yeah, that would Hahahaa. Cool. I made a funny. :D
Anyway, seriously, I totally like that idea. Let's do it. Someone build me a time machine!

** You have to assume that every single day, us humans are "discovering" More and more about the past, so this will NOT be completely accurate...Hahaha. It'd be funny to read a caveman's journal:
Today, I woke up to the mate snoring in my face. Of course, she stole all the Mammoth-skin--again. So, I walked out of our cave, and past the mastadon, and decided that today I would go for a walk to the river. Well, on my way there, it began to rain, thunder and lightning. Stupid weather. I'd been working on that scum for a month and a half.
Anyway, the lightning struck a tree and the most interesting thing happened: It lit up! Just BOOM! FLASH! PCSHWAAA! FAWOOF! Yes, that is how it sounded. And then, I walked over to the strange flickering, and stuck my hand in it.
As my mate was cleaning the owwie, she said I'm as dumb as a bird, especially since I spent all my hunt time on getting that flat rock rolling. One day I'll show her. One day I'll be right...

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