Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28 2014

Wow. Life moves so quickly, I've noticed. I always thought that it was because I was in school and working and doing all the other things I do... but apparently not. It's the end of September.

This weekend was interesting, to say the least. Came up on an injured fellow having a seizure... stopped to help. Got blood on my skirt. Interestingly, my dad had the perfect answer: salt water. Apparently the salt breaks down the blood so that it doesn't stain in the wash.This makes sense given the way saltwater is known for lysing cells when you have an imbalance in your body. In any case, it worked, my skirt is super cute still.

Then I made this amazing recipe from fannetastic food (found it on Pinterest of course!) and Oh! To die for! I think it would be awesome, also, to dehydrate and bring camping because it's so choc full of awesome and it's heavy, you wouldn't need much of it to be full for the whole night even after a day of hard work.

I've been jogging a lot lately, trying to work my cardio up (after six years of lazy university me) so that I can get the career I want. Having a couple of issues controlling my appetite afterwards, and I'm not sure if it's dehydration, or if it's actual hunger. I'm not thirsty though, so probably it's my brain telling me that I exercised so I'm hungry even though I'm not. I also think that I'm going to try HIIT training alongside some weight training so that I can get the rest of me in shape; the pushups, situps and planks just don't seem to be enough. Maybe I'll start with that some more.
Crafts are coming. Been getting settled lately after being done uni, so I've been trying to find all my crafty things. Finally found my stamps, paper and glue! :D

What else? Not much. Back to normal music, some things just aren't worth working myself up over, and the music helped. Still helps. What helps more is the realization that I have a ridiculous amount of ambition and these people keep pulling me down. Just gonna keep on swimming, but on my own for a while. Not literally though, because it's getting cold out.
Hahahahaha. At 8pm it was 24 degrees Celsius.

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