Thursday, December 15, 2011


Yesterday, with the help of a friend (who gave me the most perfect xmas gift ever; I was literally thinking about it that day):
(It's a wee-baby cupcake pan!)
I completed 4 recipes of baking: chocolate drop cookies (no bake awesome goodness), thumb cookies, and modified (cough) Belgium cookies, and mini mint-choco brownies.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Presents!

Bahaha, finished these button earrings for a person at work and a cousin and some sisters. (Also, an essay and a bell ringer and a lab and a poster for said lab... hence the disappearance of me).

I stole the idea from some earrings that I saw at Claire's... mine are better because they're all different-- and I chose them based on the person, for the person.
I just hot glued earrings on to posts and used earring backings to secure them on to a piece of fabric (actually, this is interfacing, it was easier to poke the posts through).

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Osteology Bell-Ringer

Well, I finished it... can't promise I did so well. On to a bio lab about Lemna. Wooh?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Introducing: Git 'er Done (Month?) <-OH! A TITLE! What a twist!

I just realized something:

I have the ability to sit still for more than twenty hours and work on an essay.

Literally. Twenty hours or more.

I certainly can't say that university didn't teach me anything...

I think, also, that come January, I will do a "year of getting things done"... or maybe like, a month to start. A year is a long time.
Since I'm still in school, though, it will include school work. Like Labs, or essays, or art or crafts or games...
But it has to be completely finished to count. And I have to finish ONE thing a day, and take a picture, and blog about it.
I just decided to do this... so I haven't decided whether work counts or not. I'm willing to say that I'll likely say that no, work doesn't count as I get paid to do work.
Housework, however, I do not get paid to do and is not a required part of life, so I will allow that to count.
Those are the rules:
  • It counts as "finished" when it is 100 % done.
  • It must be posted either that day or the next morning to count.
  • It counts as an activity if it:
    a) does not get me paid
    b) is not required to continue living in day-to-day life (eg: eating or showering)

There we go. Now that that's all controlled for:

^^ My entry for the day, in testing to see whether or not I'll actually be able to pull it all off!

The button of "Git 'Er Done"... design.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17, 2011

I totally do win the fail blog of the season award for never updating during the school year... I'm busy and this is not what I think to do with my time... In fact, yesterday I studied bones while I cooked myself dinner, and went to bed at about one am. Every once in a while I make myself have some time, and play Phoenix Wright on my DS... such a good game series. Right now I'm in between games, so I should be able to get extra work for school done (Good thing considering it's midterms).

In lieu of that lack of time, I'll update this in this manner:
A list of things I actually think but rarely tell anyone.

I actually don't dislike biology; I like the work, sometimes I even like the stupid experiments that have no bearing on anything I will ever study in my life.
I don't actually want to keep taking biology in school.
I love anthropology, but don't think that I could do anything with it--I'm not a whiz in anthropology, I just like human evolution.
Evolution is mostly biology.
Biology classes very poorly cover evolution.
Anthropology classes cover evolution well enough.
I wish I was done school.
I wish I could stay in school forever.
I wish I could be two people so that I could live two completely different lives but have the experience of both people.
I want kids.
I want a hardworking, good looking husband with intelligence and handi-ness to boot.
I'd rather intelligence than good-looking.
Because I can look good enough for both of us.
I love oatmeal.
I'm not half as crafty as I think I am.
I steal a lot of my ideas and just add my own view to make it mine.
I feel like I had a way better chance with university when I was in middle school.
I feel like I do not know as much now as I did then.
I feel like I'm a lot lazier now.
I always feel rushed and like I'm procrastinating again...


I think I'll go do some work.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For those of you who are freakin' cheap like I am, and who want to impress your friends who totally want those feathers in their hair without paying for salon prices:

Bewm, babies.

Dollar store/Walmart/michaels... jewelry crimp beads (little metal circles, usually used to hold bracelet thread/wire/plastic lacing/feathers... to the clasp of the bracelet/earring/necklace/anklet/purse dongle/phone attachment/keychain... (cough, cough; so what? They're useful!)

And dollar store feathers (and I swear I had some coloured ones somewhere, just not sure where they went; this craftster tutorial tells you to use fly-fishing feathers, but I can't seem to locate any lately in stores (I wonder why...?)
But I'm cheap and lazy... too lazy to hunt.
I found some nicer feathers at Michaels, but again: LAZY.
Anyway, add a pair of needle nose pliers and a piece of thread to catch the hair and add the bead and WHAMMO! Easy peasy addition to the hair. Instruction: Create fold in thread; gather hair in fold of thread. Place bead on to open ends of thread. Slip over length of thread. Pull hair from fold of thread. Keep bead in hair. Add feather to hole. Chop off pointy end of feather that lies above the bead. Squeeze with needle nosed pliers.
Cheer in awesome cheapness. (optional).

Also, in my life news:

BioShock bunny splicer mask= finally done.
Damn, I'm awesome.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sept. 22/11

You know, songs just aren't made anymore for the normal person. I mean, seriously:
From the Top 40:
Katy Perry- Last Friday Night:
"Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the pool
I smell like a minibar
DJ's passed out in the yard
Barbie's on the barbeque"

... Really? That costs a tonne of money. Hell, alcohol costs money. More like "went out to the bar, didn't get very far, bouncer asked for dollars, I said see ya later, HOLLA".

Britney Spears- I wanna go:

"I I I Wanna Go o o, All The Way ay ay
Takin' Out My Freak Tonight
I I I Wanna Show ow ow
All The Dirt ir irt
I Got Running Through My Mind (Repeat)"

... Hell no. Half the time it's the other way around. The fiance says "hey baby" and I say "Duuuuuuuuuuudddee, no. I'm so sick right now/I just got home from work/what the hell are you thinking waking me up at two in the morning when you get home from work???!? I have school tomorrow, jerk!"

Nicki Minaj- Super Bass

"That's the kind of dude I was lookin' for
And yes you'll get slapped if you're lookin' hoe
I said, excuse me you're a hell of a guy
I mean my, my, my, my you're like pelican fly
I mean, you're so shy and I'm loving your tie"

... Really? First, I'm not going to slap a chick if she's eye-ing my dude. I'll swagger up to him, grab his butt and flash my engagement ring, but I'm not going to start a war. And a tie? I do not think that in all of his life, the fiance's EVER worn a tie. Ever. Ever, ever.
On the other hand, I actually like this song. Like, I considered buying the CD, liked this song (which NEVER happens).

My point? My days go something more along the lines of: Got woken up at 8:07 by a creditor calling. Had a pap done at 9:30 (except the doctor was late, so it was more 10:15). Have class at 12. Work at 4:30. Come home. Eat peanut butter on a bagel. Grab a flakie (the last one 'cause I ate the rest of the box last night). Go to sleep. Do it again in the a.m.
There is no room for dancing on tables, or flamingos on the lawn, or getting arrested for anything other than, like, credit violations. Why doesn't someone write a song about that?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug. 25, 2011

Whammo! Double Post!
What can I say, guilt's a good pusher.

So, here it is: my adult-back-to-school-chicken-soup.

I'm not in school yet, but I am eating it now.
This reminds me of school when I was young... you know, chicken soup for lunch and a nice grilled cheese... mmm. I was a lucky kid who got to go home for lunch. This was something we ate a lot, with these changes added-- which I love.

Drop in a scrambled, uncooked egg and shredded cheddar cheese and chopped onion to the packaged soup mix and measured water once it's boiling. (Usually I use Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup, but this time I tried dollar store ramen and bulk chicken broth mixture. I would suggest sticking with Lipton's...)
You could add wieners, but I'm cheap and don't buy them. They just go too fast and are too expensive (yes, wieners ARE expensive to me).
ETA: sausages= delish. Boil them in the soup pot, cut into bite sized pieces or rounds, and then add the soup mix, the cheese and the onions and egg. It is AWESOME.
Also, you could add carrot, shaved, into the soup after it's mixed-- for texture and colour. :D
Realistically, I've seen mixed veggies added-- I don't have any at the moment, though, only corn and I forgot to add it in to the soup. So, I put a touch of Kikkoman soya sauce in. Mmm... It was pretty okay, except that it kinda took over for the flavour of t he broth... but it worked with the ramen noodles.

Anything you wanted to add to the cheese, chicken noodle and egg soup would probably work. Ground beef. Bits of left over steak.
I mean, I would avoid fruits, I'm not THAT adventurous... Although I have a feeling that pineapple might be okay if you left out the cheese.

Anyway, go for it. It's cheap and so vary-able that it's good for a student's lunch three times a week before boredom sets in...
Then, instead of a grilled cheese sandwich, try tuna wraps... take a wrap or flatbread, add some tuna, lettuce, salt and I like whipped dressing in mine but mayo's good too. Or caesar salad dressing, or italian dressing... the possibilities are endless. Cucumber's good chopped and thrown in... :D
... Hungry yet?

Aug. 25, 2011

I have no excuses, really. I spend all my time on the computer, so it's not like I can't get here to make a blog post.

Umm... Pinterest distracted me?
I haven't done anything interesting enough to blog about?
I'm thinking about cleaning my computer screen?

... Sorry. I'm lame like that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aug. 16, 2011

It's a good sign of summer when your nail polish matches your freezie.

And, yes: I did paint my index a different colour than every other nail. I did it on purpose. I did it on both hands. It matches. No worries. I think it's kind of neat. When I'm bored of the orange, I just switch fingers... but I don't look like an eleven year old testing her nail kit.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aug 4, 2011

Yes. I am done ecology. So I'm doing laundry till I work...
in the mean time, I am eating a homemade slushie (basically, frozen juice and some unfrozen juice).
These are the cubes made in the silicon tray from the fiance's mom:

Hahahahaaaa! Awesome. It's The Scream.

It was funny watching them spin before they got chopped up in the blender.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 3, 2011

Yay! Tomorrow is my last day of Ecology, if I pass it, forever! Wooh! Then I get to take courses that are interesting and also awesome. But first I'm off of school for three weeks-- just enough time to visit my family and have my brain turn to mush a little bit.
So excited.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011

I have a special dislike deep, deep down in my heart for ecology:

and there are four more-- in a six page paper, that's it--but blogger won't let me paste them in.

My kind of hell.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18 2011

Last night we had a really bad epic thunderstorm. (Bad? I don't know if that's the right word. Good? Cool? Epic?) It knocked the power out for a minute, then the power came back on, and then it knocked it out again. (It came back on momentarily). Usually when the power goes off it is gone for a good few hours. It was sweet though.

Do you know, I'm in university, and one of the things that I find baffling is that when I buy pop, it sits in my fridge/pantry/kitchen after I open it (usually I buy it for mix. For alcohol. For friends' nights in, a.k.a. Super Smash Bros Night or Mario Kart/Party Parties). I do the same with chips. I'll open it, eat three or four (or a quarter of the bag), then put the bag down and forget about it for months, till I'm cleaning out my pantry again. Then I'm like, oh, wow. I bought these ages ago. I then proceed, usually, to feed them to my rats as treats, or if they are only marginally stale, I eat them. I'm a terrible person, I know, but my rats love junk food.
But I mean, I'm in university, I'm supposed to never have leftover junk food, right? I mean don't get me wrong, you don't exactly find chocolate floating around, and nuts don't last long in my house... but chips and pop... just stick around forever. And ever. Until they're so stale that my rats won't touch them.

A new thing that I've begun to truly dislike is these:
(image via)
I know, they're good-er for the environment, and I'm totally cool with that. I am so down with not killing the environment. Even though I own a car, I try to use my bike unless I absolutely have to use the car (eg: large item purchases. I would still have had to call a cab, which uses MORE gas than my well-kept car, and for some reason they always seem to take the long routes home).
However, I have an issue with the legality of these.
1) You do not need a driver's license for them. This is one of my biggest issues. You do not even need a beginner's license. So, you have some nitwit who hasn't any idea of the laws and rules and etiquette of the road driving around on the road... or worse. A car would be pulled over. Not so much these.
2) Because they are under the "bike" category (they have non-functioning 'pedals', which are not pictured in the photograph), and they have a smaller sized tire, it is "legal" apparently, to drive them on the SIDEWALK. Yes. Where there are people walking. Much slower than these things go.
3) They go 32 km an hour, and are allowed on the sidewalk.
4) They are a bike, and so drivers argue that they are allowed on bike trails and paths that move throughout some cities which have a "no motorized vehicles" rule. However, they are motorized with an engine that is electric, making them... motorized.
5) These things are 75 kg. If it were to hit somebody/thing (or fall on them, as I watched a driver of one yesterday almost a)hit a car while crossing at a cross walk and then b)swerve to avoid a post that she... didn't see? and almost fall off the curb on the sidewalk to the traffic in the street), it would do some considerable damage. Let me reiterate: 75kg is 165 lbs. That's like a fairly heavy person (myself or a man), who wears metal armor, running into you at a little over half the speed that a car moves while traveling on 50 km/hr roads.
... Plus the weight of the driver, now over 250lbs for a small rider, plus the weight of carry-ons. If it were me riding, it would be over 300 lbs of weight. Plus there's force involved for it going 32 km/hr right into you. My bike (a mountain bike with no shocks) is light enough that it would be my weight, plus about 20 pounds, about 180 lbs. Plus my meager 20 km/hr... maybe. If I don't get thrown off, because my bike is not made to hold me on a seat in a seated position, like the e-bike is.
6) They do not have to be insured, so they are only fined when in an accident wherein they ruin another person's vehicle-meaning that they have no financial responsibilities to the person whose vehicle they just hit, even though a driver of another motorized vehicle would be.

... Do you see my issue here?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7, 2011

In the most awesome fashion, I had an ecology class yesterday and wore jeans--yay! We were hiking on the drumlin to compare the west and east bank trails for tree species. Basically, the East bank I think, had way more Ironwood trees. The other side had a lot of buckthorn and sugar maples--but we also came across an oak- a white oak! (Yes, that excites me. It wasn't a sugar maple OR an Ironwood. It's awesome).
Anwyay, I wore jeans in the 900+ C weather to avoid poison ivy, which is rampant up there... Did not wear a long sleeved, white shirt. So, now I have mosquito bites... all over my arms, and my hands. Whoo!
(Sarcasm). On the other side of that, most of the nasty ladies who were biting me (biting mosquitoes are female, they don't care about inflicting itchiness as long as they survive) got squished as soon as they landed on me, HAHAHAHA!
Have you ever had a mosquito bite somewhere that was uncomfortable? Like, fingers, toe joints, your ear?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

only i would drive for three and a half hours and realize that I left my license at my grandparents' house...
Happy anni grama and grampa
Happy Canada day (yesterday)
... time for a trip in the car

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 23, 2011

Okay. I have been sitting at home, watching youtube all evening. But after I catch up with the sewing channels that I watch, I get bored and transfer around, usually to videos supporting evolution (sadly, one of my favourite subjects of interest as it considers genetics, which I love) and they usually lead me around to new subjects that I pick up on here and there. If anyone ever wants to know where my wealth of random knowledge comes from, that's it.

However, today I heard something that blew my mind. Literally. I cannot accept its existence.
I was always under the impression that the universe was infinite as it was ever-expanding. It did not have an end. I understood that as "infinity".
Silly me.
I can understand infinity, which I suppose, is supposed to be a difficult concept to comprehend. I have always understood infinity. There can't possibly be an end to the universe, if it can ever-expand. Yes, an absence of everything, but space is something and therefore is an infinite area. On a slightly larger scale that induces dizziness, I have occasionally considered that my infinity ideal was contained in an infinite number of infinities. Dimensions, if you will?
It never occurred to me, however, that our universe is in fact finite.
Yes. Finite.
I'm not a physicist. I am not sure what this entails. But this is what I understand.

Except that I do not. How can something which is expanding be finite?
How can we exist in a finite determination? If we are finite, what do we exist within? Do we exist? Can we continue to exist in our finite space? Where is our finite space in relation to other things that must exist? Is there a greater amount of space? Is it finite?
And so on, and so forth.

Or, is there simply nothing? No space, no black, no air, no elements, no atoms. No existence after our little universe?
Can there be nothing? (which, I thought, made a vacuum?)

While I understand infinity in our universe just fine, I cannot seem to comprehend the opposite: a finite universe.
That kind of science simply alludes me.
Have fun wrapping your mind around it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011

Wow. I wonder what this is hyperlinking to? What did I do this time??

A new couch I got from my uncle^^

And a desk from my mom for sewing... WOOH!

... Now, to school.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June18, 2011

You know, I feel as though I'm spending an awful lot of time doing stuff... but not this week. This week was slow. And lazy. Because last week I had vacation...

And this week all I had was school and work... HUGE difference in what I had planned. Awesome.
Makes for a nice, relaxing week while looking at these dates. They're so empty! School, work, school, work, work, work, work. Predictable. Slow. Mostly short shifts. Easy.
*sigh* I love not being on vacation.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17th 2011

You know, now that I'm not all stressed by the wedding of a friend, I'm better open to having a wedding reception than I was a week and a half ago. Before, I was pretty well against it. I probably will be again, as I seem to keep flip flopping... but that's okay. Any wedding that I have will be so far away that it doesn't matter.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Night the Electricity Went Out...

One night, a young blogger was hastily preparing for a friend's wedding that weekend, when suddenly, the lights went out, the computer stopped its ritualistic hum, and the fridge even stopped blowing cold air in.
The night grew dark quickly. Dark clouds aligned with each other to butt head on, in hopes that they would meet and throw a mixer.
Soon, the clouds touched, battling for their own territories, the clouds to the East often losing their battle, but the clouds from the West held their own.
Lightning struck repeatedly, shredding the skies with quick flashes of lightning; occasionally a long bout of sheet lightning rent the deepening blackness of the evening.
Tumultuous rain broke through the sheets of darkness, flying every which way in the warring winds that ripped through the trees surrounding the blogger's apartment, which shook with every huge boom of thunder that accompanied the lightning.
So, she sat down at the table surrounded by seven candles, and wrote out two pages of the thoughts that flowed through her head.
These pages were caught up, long after the storm, and admitted to internetional history (As in, throughout the entire internet) via her blog.

They are as follows:

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011

It's official: I hate hemming things. Also: zipper foot= #1 sewing machine accessory. Ever.

Oh, you know that Cee Lo Green song (On the radio, it's "forget you" but those aren't the actual words in the song)...
I was listening to an Electric Six album today (Flashy) and had to compare songs when I heard both of these references:

F*^% You
Cee Lo Green
Now look here, I'm sorry I can't afford a Ferrari
But that don't mean I can't get you there
I guess she's an Xbox and I'm more Atari
But the way you play your game ain't fair
Flashy Man
Electric Six
He won't apologise
'Cos he's not sorry
You're the station wagon
To his Ferrari
He's the X-Box
To your Atari

Hm. Interesting, but I guess there aren't many words that rhyme with Ferrari. Starry? Calamari?
But they don't fit syllabically (I don't actually think that syllabically is a word, don't go using it in Scrabble or anything) in where the Atari is.
Just my little notation.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June (JUNE!?!) 3rd, 2011

So, after a brief week of 39 hours of work and at least eight hours in class, the making of a bridesmaid's dress, plus about ten-fifteen straight hours of homework that was only one day late, I finally get a day where I'm only working 5 hours! Wooh! (That translates to: "Update a blog!")
I bought this watch from work yesterday, because it has an ABACUS! Yes. I am so nerd, I don't have a calculator watch. I use an abacus! WIN! (Except that I really don't have the money to be making random watch purchases... so I did it anyway. It was just so happy sitting there, and I was in desperate need of a happy boost :D)

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

So, I've been a busy bee, running around and working 39 hours a week and going to school and stuff. (Hours @work=good; last paycheque was hardly enough to pay my rent and student loan interest.)
My grama and grampa are being really generous and giving me their car since they bought a new one, and I gave mine to my mom and dad, because I really only need a car when increment weather approaches or I want to go see them... but I like to have one specifically for those reasons, and didn't realize that it would be so before I gave my mom and dad mine.

Today, I made the majority of my bridesmaid dress as per the Butterick B5322 pattern:

Start: Tracing


Sewing major pieces:

Deciding that I actually DID want a part (but not all) of the lining:

And finally, piecing it all together:

The zipper needs to be done still, but I didn't put one in because I don't have one long enough in the correct colour and neglected to buy one while buying all of the other stuff. The ribbon needs to be put on it still, but shouldn't take long. And, I might need to slightly alter the size, but it's okay. It also needs the bottom to be hemmed still.
As you can see, my house did not get cleaned.
I did not make an amazing dinner. ( Or cookies, which I actually wish that I had).
But damn it all if I didn't finish the dress(almost). In one night. Awesome. It's the first dress I've made by pattern without my grama's help :D
I made two at halloween, but I made those patterns up on my own, so they were much easier to work through.

I will, however, admit to sincerely liking making my OWN patterns. Then I have them pre-thought out and it's not like a guessing game as to how exactly things are going to fit together... or will they???

Anyway, I am going to sleep now, as I am tired. But first I will make sure I have a semi-made lunch for tomorrow, as I work all day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

You know, sometimes I get remarkably depressed. I'm not really sure why, exactly.
When I'm depressed, things just seem... insurmountable. And infinite. And exceedingly important.
Little things, like the three books that are not where I need them to be exactly when I need them. Or someone who asks where the clearly labeled changing rooms are when they're directly beside them. Or people who use guilt and the "children all packed up and driven over to the north end" excuse.

I have a hard time explaining why. Sometimes I don't even notice that it's exciting me. Then I get rage-y. I feel angry, I lash out at those around me. I yell and I curse at people, and I come up with the most awful ways to be passive aggressive. I throw things. Purposely. I throw temper tantrums. Like a little kid.

This all usually starts with me waking up in not a bad mood, but a stale mood. Just an uncaring sort of mood. It's flat. There is little thought. This stale mood of uncaring sometimes lasts a few days before I realize that I don't care. Sometimes I don't realize I was feeling like that until I get very angry and hit another step.
I don't know where this mood comes from either. It just seems to pop up from nowhere.

Sometimes it's hard to explain these feelings, especially to people who don't know them personally. Sometimes it's hard to explain because I'm not feeling them, and when I'm not, I can hardly remember what they're like. But when I feel them, I often don't want to talk about them or feel that they are of no consequence, or they are childish, or that they are something that isn't normal.

I think that's wrong, though. I think that maybe a lot of people in lives similar to mine feel like that. I also think that a lot of people do not get help. Further, I think that the help that they do get is less than help, and more confusing and enraging.

In counseling, which I do now, I have been learning to redirect my anger. To find things that I like to do, in order to distract, calm, and divert that anger.
I think that a lot of people could use this information.
But more, I think that people need to know that there are other people who feel this way too.

Anyway, I just wanted to make the notation that I watched a movie today that kind of applies to this whole thing: It's Kind of A Funny Story.
Ignore the reviews and such--Just watch the movie. I for one felt that it was both entertaining and enlightening. Perhaps a little screwy at the end--I'm just too pessimistic to agree with the ending now. But enlightening, and I can relate. So I like it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

Depending on what I do tonight, I may double post. I just thought that this was hilarious:

Yep, that's right. Trent is so awesome, that they can't even update their "still not fixed" status by 10:00. Or even eleven. It's almost 12:00.
And yes. That is the linux penguin on the tabs. I wish it would always stay.

Let me add that today is in fact the first day of most summer classes; I still don't know if I had to do a reading for class yet... and it starts soon.

Woo, Trent. That's why I pay more to go to Trent University than U of T. Because they don't care about whether we are schooled correctly.