Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sept. 22/11

You know, songs just aren't made anymore for the normal person. I mean, seriously:
From the Top 40:
Katy Perry- Last Friday Night:
"Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the pool
I smell like a minibar
DJ's passed out in the yard
Barbie's on the barbeque"

... Really? That costs a tonne of money. Hell, alcohol costs money. More like "went out to the bar, didn't get very far, bouncer asked for dollars, I said see ya later, HOLLA".

Britney Spears- I wanna go:

"I I I Wanna Go o o, All The Way ay ay
Takin' Out My Freak Tonight
I I I Wanna Show ow ow
All The Dirt ir irt
I Got Running Through My Mind (Repeat)"

... Hell no. Half the time it's the other way around. The fiance says "hey baby" and I say "Duuuuuuuuuuudddee, no. I'm so sick right now/I just got home from work/what the hell are you thinking waking me up at two in the morning when you get home from work???!? I have school tomorrow, jerk!"

Nicki Minaj- Super Bass

"That's the kind of dude I was lookin' for
And yes you'll get slapped if you're lookin' hoe
I said, excuse me you're a hell of a guy
I mean my, my, my, my you're like pelican fly
I mean, you're so shy and I'm loving your tie"

... Really? First, I'm not going to slap a chick if she's eye-ing my dude. I'll swagger up to him, grab his butt and flash my engagement ring, but I'm not going to start a war. And a tie? I do not think that in all of his life, the fiance's EVER worn a tie. Ever. Ever, ever.
On the other hand, I actually like this song. Like, I considered buying the CD, liked this song (which NEVER happens).

My point? My days go something more along the lines of: Got woken up at 8:07 by a creditor calling. Had a pap done at 9:30 (except the doctor was late, so it was more 10:15). Have class at 12. Work at 4:30. Come home. Eat peanut butter on a bagel. Grab a flakie (the last one 'cause I ate the rest of the box last night). Go to sleep. Do it again in the a.m.
There is no room for dancing on tables, or flamingos on the lawn, or getting arrested for anything other than, like, credit violations. Why doesn't someone write a song about that?

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