Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2, 2010

Eughhh. I am so sick. It is gross. My eyes are watering and they hurt to keep open because my upper sinuses are swollen, my face and teeth hurt because my sinuses are backed up. I can't properly blow my nose; it's so stuffed that no matter how many times I blow it, it doesn't get un-stuffed, and all I blow out is clear (or bright green, depending on which nostril it is) goop. Lots of it. I went through ten tissues in an hour and a half today while I was in class--that means I was using them until they were folded into little, tiny balls so that they last longer.
I have raw nostrils now. Owwie. I'm hot, and then I'm cold, and then I'm hot. I try to stay hopped up on pills, but they don't work well enough to really do anything. I feel yucky. I'm dizzy and my balance is off. Damn sinuses.
And to top it all off, if I sit still for longer than ten minutes, I fall asleep. I took three naps today while I was doing homework that should have taken thirty minutes. It took me two hours to get it all done- and it's not like, *yawn* I'm tired. It's like, I'm totally awake... *facepalm* *snore* I had to sit in an uncomfortable position where I couldn't possibly nap on my desk/floor/couch/coffee table (yes, I tried to do homework everywhere without falling asleep). I just have too much to do to stay sleeping. And then I slept again right after dinner, because I sat still to eat (a box of stale, on-sale chewy chips ahoy). I think I'll have some chicken soup and clean the rats' cage and do some laundry and then do some of the infinite crafts I have to do before Xmas-
I'm going home on the 18th! I get to stay with my family for ten days! Wooh! I'll miss the BF, though.
Man I'm thirsty. And tired. Time to drink some water and take some more sinus cold and flu pills.
It's not a flu though. It's mostly in my head and throat.
I hope I didn't give it to anyone while I was working or at school, because you know that all the days I'm totally sick like this are days that I have classes that I ABSOLUTELY can't miss and I work on Wednesday that just passed--I don't always work Wednesdays.

Okay, now I'm done ranting and complaining, have a look at these guys:
I've known about them for ages. I went to see a Jonathan Coulton show and they opened--but I knew about them before that.
It just never occurred to me to put it up here. If you don't find that particular song absolutely hilarious, try:
or: *Beware. They talk about Grandma cooking a dog*.
If that's not your bag of shoes, then I suggest floating around their website. It can't hurt, right? And it's free. I mean, they're awesome. Their music is ... music to my ears? It cheers me up when I'm grossly sick and am snotting all over.
That's why it's on this blog post. It's a pick-me-up. It's hilarious.
One last one, definitely listen to this one, if you do nothing else. It's hilarious and I find myself singing it as much as the me make fire one:
And if none of these amuses you, I really think that you're a little too serious. Congratulations, you downer.

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