Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26/10

Firstly, it's my brother's bday, wooh! Have a good 20th? ( I hope it's the 20th, I think he's 22 months my junior, and I'm pretty sure I'm 21... Not terribly sure though).

Secondly, do you know what angers me? (Other than mostly everything)? I hate when, after having stood at a bus stop for 20 minutes in the frigid cold, when someone who just walked outside of a building to catch the bus, stands in front of you. And always in groups. Then, you end up at the back of the line anyway, even though you've been there numerically longer than everyone else, you've got no seat to sit in (because those days are the days when you get fuller than full buses), and you stand for the ENTIRE freakin' trip.
Yeah. That is what has been gnawing at me for, like, five years of taking the bus.
So I grew some balls today, and three snobs walked by me, to stand directly in front of my imaginary line of waiting, to be the first ones on the bus that arrived shortly thereafter. And as soon as the bus stopped in front of them, and myself, I pushed past them, said excuse me ladies, and stepped on.
They were just like "what ever" and "I can't believe that", but you know what? I was there first. And I froze my ass off. And you idiots were inside. You so do not deserve to get on before the rest of us icicles.
Now there were people who were at the bus stop before me who probably should have gotten on before me, but they didn't seem to want to grow any balls. It doesn't even anger me only when it's me getting screwed. If it's some timid little person standing there that gets pushed out of the way, I get angry too.
C'mon people, respect other people. Or I am damn well not showing you respect. Ladies.

So my counsellor says I'm an angry person. And this angry making thing seems sometimes like it's a little childish, but give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If they stand in front of me here, they'll knock me out of the way while I'm waiting for food, or like that extrememly rude couple who comes into my work, they'll walk out in front of you regardless of what heavy, hundred pound object you're carrying out for a customer and they won't even hold the door.

People, this is why civilization will fall. Because you idiots abuse the respect for others that some of us still have. But hey--I don't really feel bad disrespecting you after I feel 'dissed'. I'm so in for an 'eye for an eye' in this.

I think that the next time I sit through a class where the persons behind me are speaking through lecture, I'll spend the last ten, important information minutes singing along to some really pointless song.

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