Recently I met a new acquaintace, shall we say? Aah, rugby functions are always big drunken brawls of fun-ness.
Anyway, so I was talking to him the other day, and we got on to the discussion of cult classics and how only the eighties made damn good movies. I mean, we have okay ones now, but how many times can you watch Wall-e without wishing your eyes would burn up, or the Devil Wears Prada without wishing you could drink drain-o and not have a terrible conscience in the afterlife?
Anyway, so after this discussion, I realized just how long it's been since I've last seen the Evil Dead series. In short order, I collected up the first film to watch it late, late at night when I clearly have nothing better to do with my time.
And I love it. The one thing I know for sure is that I will never give Bruce Campbell the rights to my Ikea bookshelves. Those are deadly, and if he's having problems with the ones that are already made... I'd end up with him glued in somewhere.
Best part ever: "You will die! Like the others before you; one by one we will take you! (aargh)"
*Stabbity stab stab* ..."Of LEAD POISONING! Muahahahahahahaa!"
Anyway, so I was talking to him the other day, and we got on to the discussion of cult classics and how only the eighties made damn good movies. I mean, we have okay ones now, but how many times can you watch Wall-e without wishing your eyes would burn up, or the Devil Wears Prada without wishing you could drink drain-o and not have a terrible conscience in the afterlife?
Anyway, so after this discussion, I realized just how long it's been since I've last seen the Evil Dead series. In short order, I collected up the first film to watch it late, late at night when I clearly have nothing better to do with my time.
And I love it. The one thing I know for sure is that I will never give Bruce Campbell the rights to my Ikea bookshelves. Those are deadly, and if he's having problems with the ones that are already made... I'd end up with him glued in somewhere.
Best part ever: "You will die! Like the others before you; one by one we will take you! (aargh)"
*Stabbity stab stab* ..."Of LEAD POISONING! Muahahahahahahaa!"
Then, there's some horrendous fight scene with loads of throwing people and such, and Bruce Campbell gets stuck under an empty, backless bookshelf, and then mr. boyscout who seems to have never gotten his "trap and secure zombified evil demons in basements" badge, chains the demon into the basement with a whole HEAD'S SPACE so that it can clearly see out. Even evil demons need their light. I mean, she could have been claustrophobic.
Silly Bruce Campbell just put his girlfriend to bed and let her sleep by herself all alone. Great guy he is.
And damn! I wish my nails were that lethal. Who knew they could pierce right through to the achilles tendon? And facial everythings? And cause such damage? Damn! I'm impressed, and I want the name of their manicurist.
I guess that's why they made the rest of the movies jokes, eh? 'Cause there's so much awesomeness in this one that they just had to keep it up! Seriously, I totally got my kicks in this. It's just that awesome. I love it. I think that everyone needs to see this sometime in their life, to laugh loudly at it at very least.
Seriously. It's awesome.
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