Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 20, 2008

So, I totally wrote up this whole blog about how I got accepted into Trent U. And then Blogger wouldn't post it. So I wrote it on dA instead. Too bad. But, yeah, I did get accepted.
Furthermore, I've been realizing more and more how much of a nerd I can be. There was this one day that we were sitting at a caf table during lunch, (there were six of us). Of the six people, four were reading novels thick enough to give a football player a black eye (but not a rugby player, because we eat bananas). The two remaining people, both guys, were trying to hack the wi-fi for the school.
Nice. Then, today, while I was eating salad, pancakes and drinking mint tea after work at ten thirty at night, I ran into a quote in the pure romance novel that I was reading while eating. (So, I've been a little low on male company for the last... oh, three or four months now. What's your point?) Anyway, here's the quote:
"Each movement was strangely deliberate-from soap to water to the rub, methodical and familiar-and Dela wondered if it was not part of some ritual, a coping mechanism. Washing his hands clean of the night." This is in relationship for the five guys he just helped murder to protect the heroine, Dela.
Now, the first thing that I thought after I read this was: "huh. Kind of like Lady Macbeth, eh? With the crazy sleep-washing episodes, except Artur is awake."
The second thing was "Holy hell, I just linked a dirty romance novel to Macbeth!"
Currently, I'm thinking that Shakespeare's rolling over in his grave. Well, maybe not, since half the crap he wrote was dirty, dimestore and very sexually driven. Eg: "Maiden's heads" does not refer to a skull covered by hair and skin. Eg: The entire play of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Okay, so maybe Shakespeare and Smut novels aren't all that much different...

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