Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 21 2015

Well, things aren't running as smoothly as planned lately. Being a year older is not having any effect on my luck. My new jeep (Liberty 2002) decided to roll backwards while I wasn't in it yesterday after being parked for a good 10 minutes. In a parking lot. Full of cars. Now, it's a standard, but I have NEVER had this happen to me in two and a half years of driving standard. And I had to release the parking brake to drive it off if the bmw that it decided to sit on. It was only safetied and certified a month ago, I certainly haven't done enough to it to break it yet.
In the aftermath of my irritation, I did a paper craft. I'm finding more and more that I am not doing enough to keep the stress down because to be quite honest, I am nonever at home long enough to do so. Between work and the boyfriend and trying to get this big career application done, I don't seem to be able to get the fun stuff done.
Since the person whose birthday my papercraft was for reads this and she doesn't have a birthday for a while, a spoiler wouldn't be nice. Instead, I give a teaser:

I also made a layout with no picture since i haven't got one... although I do have one in mind. I'm not sure it's done-in fact I'm almost positive it's not, and that's why it can't be put away yet. That and it has no picture:

I think that it needs some teal paint splatters and some stitching maybe. I don't know. What do you think?

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