Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wooh!... Bug Collection done.

Hi! Today I didn't get much crafting done, instead I watched X files (yay, Mulder and Scully) and finished making my bug collection pretty.
As I am generally quite proud of the amount of work I have put forth I have decided to put a picture of the almost final (I'm missing a boxelder bug that's in my trunk in a mason jar).

Whee, all neat and shiny!
And you may I'm sure it'd have taken less time had I known I only needed to identify to the family. I identified about 95% of it to (assumed) species-- some of them were very easily identifiable although others were not (Bibio  ---------, for example. I still have no idea which one it was, and there are many species of bibio hanging around when and where I found it).
I liked doing this, and now I need to get ready to go out. Maybe even start readings for tomorrow... though I don't see that going so well.

Good Night, and don't let the bedbugs bite!

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