Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16/11

You know, I am engaged. I know. Totally off topic, right?
Well, I'm also a maid of honour, and apparently, that's all I can think about right now. Except thinking of how much effort is going into this wedding, how many people have the ability for input, and how stupidly traditional/non-traditional it is kind of angers me.
So, I think that my own wedding will be crappy(by Western values), after being in a wedding that ruined my interest in making my own wedding.
Nice, right? I really just want to sign a paper and move in with my fiance (who will be my husband at that point).
Then, I'm confused once again about WHY we would get married in the first place? I'm not into a big, ceremonial, traditional wedding. He's not either. He, like me, is considering finding a Wookie to marry us because it's the most ridiculous thing we can think of to make fun of the wedding industry.
I think that the only reason we're considering getting married is that it's a) a social construct and b)monetarily sound. When we continue on with school or taxes, being married to someone equally poor is a good way to be when it comes time to claim things.
Personally, my c) is that if I ever get knocked up (which I eventually intend to do) I don't want my child to have to explain why mommy and daddy aren't married. For all intents, society is still society, and crossing the border with different last names sucks from what I understand, especially if your kid does not look like you--in my family, this is pervasive.
Both my parents have blue eyes--Mine are a green iris with brown surrounding the pupil. Both of my parents have brown hair--two sisters and a brother have red. My closest brother and I look closest to my mom and dad.
We certainly did NOT follow the punnett square ratios that we were supposed to genetically, though.
Anyway, my whole point is I needed to get this out there: I hate the traditional wedding ideals. So does my fiance. Neither of us want to have a ceremony. I wanted to just sign a paper and then go camping with extended family but I think that my mother's going to have an issue with this.

Funniest thing: I won't be getting married 'till at least 2013. I have to finish school first, and get a job, and save some money up.
And I'm already worrying.

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