Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30/11

Loads of homework. I'll make this short:
I sometimes wonder, did a teacher somewhere say to his commtech kids: "Hey guys. Make a music video. Use this here voice modulator so that you sound like that Kesha chick. If she can "sing" with it, so can you" ?
I mean, with songs like "Friday" (Rebecca Black), and "My Jeans" (Jenna Rose), I wonder: Do these kids just have too much money? I really do mean kids. Maybe that's why I don't like listening to them? They're like fourteen?
Like Beiber. The stuff they're singing about is so pointlessly moot: Friday, Friday, Gettin' down on Friday is a lyric in, you guessed it, Friday. How about :

Yesterday was Thursday
Today it is Friday
We so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards
I don't want this weekend to end

If that was poetry that someone tried to sell, you'd laugh your ass off. Beyond that, the beat sucks, and the video consists of her standing at a bus stop and then deciding about whether or not to take the car with her friends or the bus...
Wait? When was that EVER a decision you had to make. Stinky, smelly bus full of stupid kids from all of the grades that your middle school offers OR a car ride in a convertible with only six, at most, of your friends wherein you aren't being pelted with cheese sandwiches.
Easy. Not even a decision.
Just sayin'.

Seriously though, these kids need to stop. Did they forget what happened to all the other Britneys and Christinas who started their career as kids? Well, Christina started off okay, and ended okay, but went through a rocky middle underbelly.
I don't know. Not something I'd be interested in letting my child pursue. Especially when said child can't sing. They have no talent.
Although I suppose that never stopped Kesha.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26/11

I know! It's been 10 days!
I'm sorry. With things, I've been busy. Between school--finals?!?--and deciding on doing summer school this year as well as continuing to work as many hours as physically possible at work, plus with the wedding I'm in coming up rather quickly, I've been super busy.
Plus, my great aunt died. Poor lady, she was a wonderful woman. If heaven exists, and any of my family was going to get in to heaven, it would be her that got in. She was a really nice person, and she always shared me half of her food, even if I didn't want it.
Seriously, though. Auntie Eleanor was one of those people who made you want to be good. I still often wish I could be as soft spoken as her; she had that quiet, wise thing down PAT. It's just not something I was ever (will ever be) good at.
Still, she was sick for a long time, and she is probably in much less discomfort now. I hope so. In heaven, as she believed. We'll miss her.

I also learned that I suck at funerals. I mean, I'm sad that she died because she was a really good person, and we need more and not less of those around especially when a lot of people love them and they all keep dying off. But I can't help but believe that funerals are silly, in that you sit there and look at the dead's body for two days. TWO DAYS. You're forcing yourself to sit through seeing the dead person's BODY--not even them.
If souls exist--keep in mind I'm agnostic (I don't necessarily believe in any current religion, but I believe that something (s) may have omnipotent powers)--If souls exist in a living person, and if that living person dies, the soul goes to another place ( I haven't understood where the body's electricity goes when one dies). If that's the case, then the body means nothing. Which is why I never understood why the Bible's God doesn't like us marking up a body with tattoos. It's just a container. It would be like painting a vase.
Anyway, the body means nothing. Then we set the body up in a coffin all bedecked with jewelry and pretty clothing and look at the body for two days.

I think I understand the whole "gathering for family's sake" and "respecting the dead" part; I spoke to a religious lady that I work with and she said it's also for closure. That's the only reason I can see for setting up the dead body: for absolute, final knowledge that Auntie Eleanor was dead. That's why, I think, some people cry only when they see the body in the casket and only again when it's buried/burned/closed and covered.

I don't think I want to have a funeral. I already decided that my whole body was being donated for spare parts for people. It's only a body; a container. I'm not Egyptian. But I don't think I'd like people to funeral around my dead self or something representative of me (Pictures, urn, soup, I don't care, no iconic or representative imagery for me).
I want them to take whatever money is left over from me and use it to throw a wicked freakin' party. With ice cream. And balloons. And a theme park. Or something equally as cool. Buy a stupid bouncy castle and jump in it for a day or so. Adults and all.

Long post; but I wanted to get that out there.
I'm a bit sad about losing Auntie Eleanor and it sort of makes me want to cry, but somewhere in my head I also think that feeling sorry that she's not alive is selfish-she was sick, for her to stay alive would have been very hard for her.
I think that's why I have a hard time understanding people at funerals.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16/11

You know, I am engaged. I know. Totally off topic, right?
Well, I'm also a maid of honour, and apparently, that's all I can think about right now. Except thinking of how much effort is going into this wedding, how many people have the ability for input, and how stupidly traditional/non-traditional it is kind of angers me.
So, I think that my own wedding will be crappy(by Western values), after being in a wedding that ruined my interest in making my own wedding.
Nice, right? I really just want to sign a paper and move in with my fiance (who will be my husband at that point).
Then, I'm confused once again about WHY we would get married in the first place? I'm not into a big, ceremonial, traditional wedding. He's not either. He, like me, is considering finding a Wookie to marry us because it's the most ridiculous thing we can think of to make fun of the wedding industry.
I think that the only reason we're considering getting married is that it's a) a social construct and b)monetarily sound. When we continue on with school or taxes, being married to someone equally poor is a good way to be when it comes time to claim things.
Personally, my c) is that if I ever get knocked up (which I eventually intend to do) I don't want my child to have to explain why mommy and daddy aren't married. For all intents, society is still society, and crossing the border with different last names sucks from what I understand, especially if your kid does not look like you--in my family, this is pervasive.
Both my parents have blue eyes--Mine are a green iris with brown surrounding the pupil. Both of my parents have brown hair--two sisters and a brother have red. My closest brother and I look closest to my mom and dad.
We certainly did NOT follow the punnett square ratios that we were supposed to genetically, though.
Anyway, my whole point is I needed to get this out there: I hate the traditional wedding ideals. So does my fiance. Neither of us want to have a ceremony. I wanted to just sign a paper and then go camping with extended family but I think that my mother's going to have an issue with this.

Funniest thing: I won't be getting married 'till at least 2013. I have to finish school first, and get a job, and save some money up.
And I'm already worrying.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14/11


Pi Day!

Do you ever have those days where you just can't seem to make yourself do what you should be doing, even though you know it's really, really important??
I'm having one of those days. I have watched two movies I never really intended to watch until the summer, made myself sweet potato fries, and STILL haven't done one complete reading for my class tomorrow. I've been up since, oh, five this morning. I had a few bad dreams, then was up and ready to go work a full shift at seven, then got off of work at 4:30, looked at everything I could have looked at in my work after work, then wandered home made fries and watched the Sorcerer's Apprentice. You know. The one with Nicholas (Sp? I've seen it spelled Nicolas, too. Note: imdb says Nicolas) Cage in it...
I never could get enough of his adventure movies. I'm a fan of adventure, and he acts in such awesome adventure movies.
It's funny, I've always been a fan of odd guys. I never really liked anyone who was "standard" for my age's society. I like Richard Gere and the majority of the parts he plays. I even like Sean Connery. How about Brendan Fraser? (Mostly in the Mummy, but I also watch and enjoy him in Bedazzled and Blast from the Past--every time TBS (Peachtree, now, I suppose? Shows how long it's been since I had cable...) shows it).
I wonder... they probably all follow the same path. I mean, rarely do they play characters who are jerks (that I care to watch). They're suave, mature, and ... trustworthy?
I suppose that's why everybody likes them. On the other hand, I like Vin Diesel. I know, weird, right! Dangerous, serious and ... dangerous?
Back to ye Olde Grinde. I'll probably end up doing something silly instead. Twister, anyone??

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 11

Cinnamon Toast Crunch: So good, they lick each other.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11/11

So, in the last week or so, I've done an experiment.
I have left the dishes to be done, and not done them from the last time that I did them (wherein I had done them the previous three times, in a row, regardless of whether or not I had cooked which initially had been the agreement I had with the bf about cleaning the dishes. He who cooks the meal does not have to clean after. Seems simple, right?)
So, I've not done them. It's been since last Sunday, when I had people over, so I cleaned them again (even though I wasn't supposed to based on the aforementioned agreement).
My counselor says that sometimes it might be because I have not straight out asked for them to be done. So, each day I have specifically requested that the dishes be done, except for last night, because we now have no plates to eat off of; we have eight dinner plates altogether and not one to eat off of now because of how long its been since the dishes were last done.
Note: I cooked on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so far this week.

Here is what happened to the kitchen:

And the front room: (which I tend to lump in with the dishes since we eat there and the dishes end up there constantly, even when I ask that they be brought out before the dishes are done daily):

So now what? I'm going to just do the dishes; it's the easiest way to go and I'm sick of not having them done. I hate having them build up like this. I just don't think it's fair that I am always the one who has to do the dishes, regardless of whether I cook or not. It's not very equitable.
The funniest part is that if I start them right now, he will say: "What are you doing? They were mine to do. Do you want me to do them?" But I have to actually start them, at which point my answer is, "No, because I'm already wasting my time doing them, I might as well continue. You do them next time".
It happens constantly.
So how do I beat this? I live in an apartment, so I can't get a dishwasher. I hate food sitting in the sink. It's such a health hazard, AND it makes the house smell. Plus, I like my kitchen being easy to work in. I live in an apartment; I can't just shut the door of the kitchen. I don't like nagging because then he just gets fed up and slams things around while doing them to make a big show of how inconvenienced he is by having to do the dishes.
What do I do? I'm confused and frustrated. This is, however, getting to be one of those issues that I really do not know how to deal with.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10/11

Haha. March 10/11. If I don't get a chance due to being busy, I want to let you know that March 14 is Pi day. No, not Pie, Pi. Like, 3.14159...etc.
(And yes, I actually know that many digits of Pi. I believe that the next number in the sequence is a 2, but I'm not terribly sure.)
Pi is a wonderfully complex number that really lends itself to the chaos theory. In case you don't want to read the link I attached to the word Pi earlier, basically, it's a number that is used in math and it is something like the division of the area of the square by the circle... I don't know. Math was never my strong suit. I use pi as a chaos theory explanation, nothing more, since I don't find the area of a circle often anymore. I'm in Anthropology, why should I? Chaotically, pi does not repeat two digits in a row and as far as we've ever discovered, it is infinite. There is no ending to this never-repeating number.

Anyway, people wonder why I am so vitamin D deficient. Here's your answer:

Yep. We had another snow storm yesterday. Awesome. And that picture was taken at 8:30 ish. AM.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Well, I've got loads of ideas and crafts to do...
But Pokemon white came out. So that's what I've been up to today. Even though I had the entire day off.

I've had it pre-ordered for ages!
Okay, so once in a while I waste my life doing nothing important.
I did clean the kitchen and the bathroom though!! That's a win, right?
And this week the massive pile of laundry was finished (Only to pile up to another load that needs to be done...)
Hahaha fun fact-- I am 22. Just in case you didin't know that. Furthermore, four of the games that you can identify the names of in that picture, are mine. That's only a fraction of the games my (fiance? lover? Future Husband? Boyfriend?) owns, as well. Games are cheap when used... and I have a load of friends who game. Muahahaha.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

First of all, a HUMONGOUS thank you to 'Vin' on the help forums for answering a question that I didn't even have to pose since it was already answered(Posed by jathre, here: Blogger's help forum may well be the first that I didn't get frustrated trying to get help with a question. Thank you for making my life ten times easier. Now, did you want to come run the help desks at my school? You'd probably talk half of the first year dropouts into staying, seriously.
Yay! Such a simple solution, and so much of a difference. I only want to edit the html when there's an issue, jeeze. This could have been so much more click and go. I don't like editing html. It's so much work for so little everything. I probably should have just clicked around for a bit, I might have figured it out. Now that I know, it's much easier. Also I learned how to strike words out like this.
I didn't realize it would be so easy; I thought that strikethrough's tag (which is an s in the pointy parentheses) would mean more. I guess it makes sense. (Apparently the blog machine that puts it all together doesn't work like it does in my head. I wanted to do this whole, long thing with html both in the post and in effect, but it keeps screwing up and tells me that they're all errors. Oh well.)

Anyway, I've been busy, and not writing, I know. Here's what I've been up to.
And I took a sick day at work after snapping at undeserving customers on all of Sunday.
Well, maybe they did deserve it. "Antique" in my books, as cool as "antique" is when it's all "rustic", is still "garbage" in VV's eyes, guys. I don't know how to explain it without saying that we don't take it because it's broken/old/dusty/rotting/rusty/etc...
I think it's cool. You think it's cool. VV either a)sees an excuse to sell it for 3x the worth of it or b) chucks it in the trash. (likely b).
When I say we can't take it, it's because we will throw it away without considering it, and that's a lot of really cool stuff that could end up being loved by a friend or family member or junk shopper or trash diver that we will just ship directly to trash after writing me up for taking it.
Baah! I just can't tell people that at the door for fear of my managers hearing me, because we're supposed to sell VV as a good place that 'donates' all of their stuff to other countries and gives money to charity.


Yes. Those are my attempts at dehydrating potatoes for potato chips. I'm that cool. I'm actually currently on a health food kick, but am failing ridiculously since I can't seem to stop eating while doing homework. And not good eating, either. Yesterday I nom-nommed on like, eight little hard candies in twenty minutes. Then the canister was empty. Considering one is like, three hundred calories, I think I lost in that battle. Big time. I'll let you know, anyway, whether dehydrating potato chips actually works :P
It's my problem with doing homework. I can't seem to be able to keep my attention on it long enough. I should be doing it now. But I will say that my kobo makes it ridiculously easier to do readings on. It doesn't hurt my brain to read the computer screen pdfs anymore. Wooh!!
So, off I go to write more about linguistic anthropology. It's okay, I've already done the readings once. Now I just have to write about them.
Happy first week of March!

Lolz, eta: I had to fix the strikethrough after blogger "fixed" my errors: It edited the html for the page and EVERYTHING (profile, buttons, etc..) was in strikethrough after it started in the post. Lolz. It was kinda hilarious...