Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 9/11 Chocolate Fish

Today I spilled Hot chocolate all over myself while waiting for a bus. It seems that every time I buy hot chocolate, I spill it all over myself. I don't know, maybe it's just my klutz coming out. Anyway, Timmies' coffee, I learned earlier in the year (three times), does NOT stain like the dickens. It leaves a little mark but if you wipe it off (even just with a gloved hand) it will not stain deep brown. Starbucks' coffee, on the other hand, does.
Very much so.

Note both sleeves, as well as the front of the coat. It's also on my right shoulder to my back.
I was wearing a backpack. Please explain how it splashed UNDER my backpack?!
Good thing I needed to wash my coat anyway.
Except now I smell like hot chocolate, and the washer is on so taking a shower is out of the question. And then I ate tuna for lunch, so I smell like a chocolate fish. Mmm.

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