You know how some days you just want to listen to that music you only listen to occasionally, and you want to clean, and you want to do laundry because you're just THAT sick of it lying on the floor in the bedroom?
Yeah, I had one of those days today.
I did three loads of laundry, picked up stuff off the floor in the front room, kept the kitchen semi-clean (though, the bf DID do the dishes, so I can't claim rights for that one). I then cleaned the rat cage, played with the little guys a bit longer than I usually do, and listened to Adam and the Ants while I was making dinner.
You know, I just like Adam and the Ants occasionally. Through high school I had interest in them on and off. It's like Louis the XIV. Every once in a while, they just make me happy to listen to because it's a punky music. Upbeat, but usually with a serious tone to it. I don't know how else to explain it. I like it, it's not too upper that it's scary, but it's not a downer, either.