Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22, 2010

So a quick blog before I head out to work (this week I'm working reduced hours since someone else did the scheduling and cut back the people at the front of the store because we really don't need all of the cashiers. Yeah, right. Make my life a living heck and then tell me I'm working too hard. Gee I wonder if it has to do with the thirty people at three cash registers. Because that's all we have.

Also, I've noted that I don't have too many different fabrics that I don't have specific, unfinished plans for. So, a slight fissure has been created in my plans for xmas gifties, as a result of this.
(Sorry about the -ies, I've been playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates lately, and one of the characters drives me nuts by repeatedly ending every other noun in -ies.)
But I did come up with my own idea to make flowers for bags for my sisters which will be (eventually) made and freezer paper-printed with names and then have buttons, since I lost all my sweet, sweet blog bookmarks that I wasn't following but was throwing up at the top of my firefox till my computer crashed with a minor virus and I *sob* lost them.
So, now, in lieu of my need to recoup lost awesome blogs (And I, by the way, learned my lesson about following on blogger instead of just bookmarking, which actually I like better than blogger's version but whatever) I invented my own way to do flowers and it makes sense to me 'cause that's how I draw them when I'm just doodling.

They start with what the bf calls "peanuts".
Then I layer them.
Then I sew them together with a star stitching shape on the back, that you can't see, and then I sew a button on the front:
And ta-da!

Now I need some girlier prints, some less decorated printed fabric, and some solid pink or purple or... solid. Just solid :P Then it's not as busy as this one is. But it's still cute.

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