So, I actually ended up going to Ottawa for July 1st.
I missed my brother's parade for the queen because it takes as long to get to Hamilton as it does (If not longer) to Ottawa from where I am.
Then, I get there and have to fight for a parking space although some nice lady gave me a parking pass once I finally did park in a lot close to downtown.
After which I learned that my family was outside of Ottawa, in a place called "South Gloucester".
I would imagine it's an amalgamated part of Ottawa.
So, then I drove away anyhow.
It was dirty, it was smelly, there were one heck of a lot of drunk people, and hundreds of people just...
standing in my way regardless of which direction I was supposed to be going. I'm also surprised that I didn't get pulled over for having a contact high while driving, there were so many people abusing illegal substances there.
There was only one area in all the madness that had bathrooms that weren't "out of order".
It was awful with three kids six and under who had drank enough water to form their own camel humps.
Let alone myself, with my coffee and my iced coffee and my iced cap from Timmie's on the way out there. It was like, if I only had some manparts, I'd be one happy camper, peeing on the parliament buildings. That would show them, to plan to spend five million on a G20 security scene and not even a hundred renting damn port-o-potties.
You can kind of see the port-o-potties here, sort of, past only about an EIGHTH of the line that was standing there, waiting.
Then, whilst looking for my army brother in the melee and drunken orgy, I also missed the fireworks.
But I did hear a good twenty seconds of the Barenaked Ladies over the brawling and whining of the vapid eighteen year old girls complaining about their cheating boyfriends.
It was like going to a bar beside a college on St.Patrick's day, only the colours were white and red instead of green.
It also fairly saddened me that after the fireworks, there were a large number of fallen Canadian flags being trampled as people made their way back to the downtown bars. I missed the worst on my camera which was an actual canadian flag, dirty and ripped on the pavement.
Isn't that what people going up against Canada do in other countries? Stomp on the trodden and ripped Canadian flag, then follow up with a good ol' burning?
Being Canadian must be some sort of passing fancy to these people. I like being Canadian sometimes, but man, even I get those days when I wish my family had been illegal immigrants to (Insert random country here).
But stepping on a flag? It's just too superstitious. Like passing a cemetery and breathing, or walking under a ladder.
Disrespectful drunken teenagers and young adults. Back in my day, you respected the country who supported your OSAP and therefore your drinking habit.
On a lighter note, I've been finding it nice to paint 1/10 nails with a summery design to remind me not to chew again; I've done a bumble bee, a ladybug, and just recently a watermelon slice that was originally differently planned but ended up looking slightly more like a strawberry. Either way, it's summery. On a not so light note, I ruined a pair of awesome pink capris the G-ma handed down with black nailpolish. (as noted below, in fact.)
jeeze I'm a clutz.
I used the Sally Hansen "Hot Pink" nail art pen first, but didn't like how pink it was (but should have stuck to it), then went over it with Avon's Speed Dry in "Mambo Melon" to make the eaten part, and then Sally Hansen "Black Out" for the seeds. The rind (crust, peel, handle, depending on who you talk to) was made with Wet 'n' Wild "416A" and Sally Hanson "Green With Envy".
I think it's cute either way. Maybe less seeds and less red fruity part would be better. Over it all and as a basecoat as well, I also used Sally Hansen "Miracle Cure", because it makes then really, really strong. And so I can go buy another bottle of different hardener next time, since this one strips paint, I swear. And because it works only marginally and chips although it does chip slower than JUST nailpolish does.
Also, for those of you wondering about the Sally Hansen nail art pen, I'm quite amused by it. It's not very opaque, though, so sometimes I have to go about and cover the same thing three or four times. Also it takes some time to dry. But it is neat that it's a marker-like tip. I think I might see if I can't pick them up cheaply sometime in a few colours that I would use often: black and white, maybe a silver or something.
I'm also going to start a new few bonnets, one for me and one for the bf's mum, but after I do hammocks for the little ratties who destroyed their older one.