Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Note for the movie theatre company in Canada:

Dearest owner of the movie theatre:
I am writing to complain about the lack of intelligence in your placement and pricing of theatres around Ontario. You see, while I am from Peterborough and the one theatre there is a Galaxy (admission being 9.99 for an adult and 7.99 for a child under thirteen), once I return to where my family is, they only have Famous Players. I do not like Famous Players theatres. They are always dirty, my feet stick to the floor when I go in, and my head has to rest on the lice-infested chair back.
If you could just cut the damn chair tops off and stop spending money on retarded teenagers who can't wash a floor, maybe you could lower the price of your admission the dollar difference between the good, Galaxy ticket and the crappy Famous Players tickets.
Besides that, your pricing difference is ridiculous, considering that we did have a Ciniplex Odeon, but you decided to remove it in favour of the extra money that you received for the admission to the "fancy" "grade A" theatre.
I thank you for deciding quantity over quality, and have therefore decided to buy an old movie theatre and blanket price all admissions at 7.99, and forever download movies in order to screw you out of stealing any of my money ever, ever again: Sincerely,

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