Friday, August 7, 2009

August 07, 09

Well, short week, I suppose. Not too much to say. I am missing girlie-girls, immensely. Sadly, being around people who aren't so into things that I am is beginning to take a toll on me. I mean, I can only look like a guy for so long.
But, I guess that's the price of leaving childhood lady-friends at home and hooking up at school with a guy you actually kind of like. I spend the majority of my time sitting in my house. I'm not saying I couldn't go out, I'm saying that the girls I know here where my school is are not the most... makeup-adoring people. Then again...
Well, I offered one of my closest friends up here a night of girly mayhem and she replied with an "Only if there's a horror movie on so I don't feel totally stupid".
Could it be that perhaps I have discovered that I actually kinda like the girly things in life a little and miss them when they're gone? Yes.
Sometimes... I dunno.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to find some new friends who I can be close to, but then... I don't know. Then I trust them and then they like, steal my food and cutlery and stuff.
Yeah. living with people isn't the greatest way to go. Don't live in dorm, but don't live in a house with a large sum of people either. Unless they're all clones of you or you're ready to clean after five of them because you'd like space to shower/pee/eat/clean dishes/do anything other than sleep...
yeah. Definitely one of the hardest summers of my life.
And I still don't even have a job. GT tomorrow, I think; dollar stores, too.
well, I'm going to work on playing with nails and colours and let you guys in on how I've done them in the new future. It should be cool, ish.
More or less.

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