I am twenty tomorrow, and I feel old. Other than that, my computer needs to be formatted--again. It has like a six month death worm or something. It blue-screen-of-death'd me this morning. I was NOT happy. On the plus side, I have this awesome mac that I sit and mess around with when the Dell's being a bi... yeah. You know where I'm going with it.
The music that I'm listening to is all over the place since I'm intermittently renaming songs that my iTunes feels it necessary to rename in sets of four letters such as "LHFS" since I put music on my computer from my boyfriend's.
His computer's on the fritz, too.
My car has officially died, poor thing, a product of the temp guage melting, then a head gasket blowing, and some other thing. So, it overheated, blew the head gasket, and it costs more to replace than my car did when we got it. Seeing as the poor car has like, 489000 km on it, I'm going to say that's a hell of a long life, and I'm ready to sell the pieces, (some of which I replaced this summer. My car was fairly expensive for me this summer.)
So, now I'm looking for a new one. A cheap new one, actually.

Volkswagon, anyone? :D I would love one.
Anyway, for real, though, my dad's looking at a standard sunfire. I like them. I've thought they were cute for a while. I like the shape of them, and I like the inside. It also seems like every rugby player that I know drives them. I don't know. They're just a standard rugger car. He's looking at a two-door. Which is cool, too. Not like I need a fifteen door vehicle. There's one of me, and usually one passenger.
I just don't like the buses around here, and it's too cold to leave and stand at a bus stop after like, five at night, because then you freeze some interesting body parts off. Ones that you need.
Anyway, not much else going on. Let's see:
1)broken car
3)iTunes and computer being a... yeah.
sounds about right!
Okay, I guess I'm off. Luck be with everyone.
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