Monday, August 18, 2008

August 19, 2008

Sleep is for uncool losers. So, I've seen my schedule for the week, and to tell you all the truth: I'm pretty sure that the three practices I have to look forward to each day next week will be a walk in the park to this week coming. I have to:
  • Still pack for school.
  • Rehearse hardcore (As in, learn an entire tango in three days--play performances start on Friday and continue on till Sunday. BUY TICKETS FOR THE BOYFRIEND!)
  • work
  • Rugby game on Wednesday! (after my rehearsal)
  • Still buy stuff for school (eg: telephone, printer ink, etcetera...)
  • and I promised a friend ages ago we'd go out to lunch. Which has turned into "after work dinner.)

I am fairly sure that I'm not going to have any time between now and Sunday to eat, let alone sleep. Well, it was nice knowing y'all, but I'm fairly sure that I'm constituted as dead, now. Just, lay me down, and all that. I'm so stressed that I'm sick. On top of that all, Monday, I have a dinner. Thank goodness it's a dinner, because then I have all day to clean. And my grama and grampa helped me out immensely, with all the stuff they gave me. I love them. They are the awesomest.

I keep missing buttons on the keyboard. I say them in my head as I'm typing, but I never get the note to my fingers to hit the correct buttons. It's stupid.

I'm also sick, on top of it all. Sick, like, headcold. Headachey, nose running, coughing, earaches, watery eyes because my nose is running. Yeah. That.


Damned me, doing everything all at once. I had to make it difficult by joining every stupid thing that I came across that I liked.Rugby, a play which I get to dance in... Work. Okay, the last one I don't really like, but I do like to make money.

It's all so hard.

Life's so hard.

Next topic: polygamy and why it's stupid-and should be illegal- to make it illegal.

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