Life has been a little bit busy lately (it seems like it never stops, really. I do play some Pokemon sometimes so it can't be that busy... but it just seems like if I'm not working I'm still working trying to do all the things I can't do because I'm working... You know. That kind of busy) so I haven't been doing anything fun with creating. I did start an ATC a few days ago, because I was inspired and sitting and printing paperwork out for a career I'm applying to be a part of.
I'll be starting to really habitualize my workout habits, as currently they're very erratic- about three or four times a week I work on core and maybe once a week I do cardio (been doing kickboxing with my bestie), and I do RSCDS dance every Wednesday so that's something... but they're not enough. I bought a three month gym membership so that I can start doing cardio every day again (the snow just doesn't make for pleasant jogging or breathing while jogging, which I had been doing up until mid November when I did my Lasik).
Now, though, I'm noticing the poor shape I'm getting back to. I'm going to have to start again... although kickboxing has reintroduced me to skipping. I remember when I was a kid and everything was all about skipping and we used to skip on jump rope for heart day
like there was nothing else in the world we wanted to be doing. Man. I should never have stopped. It was awesome. Arguably, though, the school went to hoops for heart
which- let's be serious- I'm not an indoor sport kind of person, so that didn't go well; I also really dislike basketball and find it quite slow. Then hoops for heart was boring and so skipping was out and there was no reason to skip. Also I got old.
So anyway now I'm just focusing on getting into the career I want. Which requires me to be a lot more fit than before (and although I keep hitting stumbling blocks it doesn't take me that long to get into surprisingly acceptable shape- goooo being a mesomorph! Never made for being attractive, but boy, does it make being sporty easy.
So, fun things that I"m going to start actually doing:
Cardio- skipping and jogging again, since I actually enjoy jogging when it's not -17 C outside.
Weight resistance training- because lifting 80 lbs is easy when you're doing it all the time, and I can do 60 no problem so 80's not that far off.