Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Osteology Bell-Ringer

Well, I finished it... can't promise I did so well. On to a bio lab about Lemna. Wooh?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Introducing: Git 'er Done (Month?) <-OH! A TITLE! What a twist!

I just realized something:

I have the ability to sit still for more than twenty hours and work on an essay.

Literally. Twenty hours or more.

I certainly can't say that university didn't teach me anything...

I think, also, that come January, I will do a "year of getting things done"... or maybe like, a month to start. A year is a long time.
Since I'm still in school, though, it will include school work. Like Labs, or essays, or art or crafts or games...
But it has to be completely finished to count. And I have to finish ONE thing a day, and take a picture, and blog about it.
I just decided to do this... so I haven't decided whether work counts or not. I'm willing to say that I'll likely say that no, work doesn't count as I get paid to do work.
Housework, however, I do not get paid to do and is not a required part of life, so I will allow that to count.
Those are the rules:
  • It counts as "finished" when it is 100 % done.
  • It must be posted either that day or the next morning to count.
  • It counts as an activity if it:
    a) does not get me paid
    b) is not required to continue living in day-to-day life (eg: eating or showering)

There we go. Now that that's all controlled for:

^^ My entry for the day, in testing to see whether or not I'll actually be able to pull it all off!

The button of "Git 'Er Done"... design.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17, 2011

I totally do win the fail blog of the season award for never updating during the school year... I'm busy and this is not what I think to do with my time... In fact, yesterday I studied bones while I cooked myself dinner, and went to bed at about one am. Every once in a while I make myself have some time, and play Phoenix Wright on my DS... such a good game series. Right now I'm in between games, so I should be able to get extra work for school done (Good thing considering it's midterms).

In lieu of that lack of time, I'll update this in this manner:
A list of things I actually think but rarely tell anyone.

I actually don't dislike biology; I like the work, sometimes I even like the stupid experiments that have no bearing on anything I will ever study in my life.
I don't actually want to keep taking biology in school.
I love anthropology, but don't think that I could do anything with it--I'm not a whiz in anthropology, I just like human evolution.
Evolution is mostly biology.
Biology classes very poorly cover evolution.
Anthropology classes cover evolution well enough.
I wish I was done school.
I wish I could stay in school forever.
I wish I could be two people so that I could live two completely different lives but have the experience of both people.
I want kids.
I want a hardworking, good looking husband with intelligence and handi-ness to boot.
I'd rather intelligence than good-looking.
Because I can look good enough for both of us.
I love oatmeal.
I'm not half as crafty as I think I am.
I steal a lot of my ideas and just add my own view to make it mine.
I feel like I had a way better chance with university when I was in middle school.
I feel like I do not know as much now as I did then.
I feel like I'm a lot lazier now.
I always feel rushed and like I'm procrastinating again...


I think I'll go do some work.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For those of you who are freakin' cheap like I am, and who want to impress your friends who totally want those feathers in their hair without paying for salon prices:

Bewm, babies.

Dollar store/Walmart/michaels... jewelry crimp beads (little metal circles, usually used to hold bracelet thread/wire/plastic lacing/feathers... to the clasp of the bracelet/earring/necklace/anklet/purse dongle/phone attachment/keychain... (cough, cough; so what? They're useful!)

And dollar store feathers (and I swear I had some coloured ones somewhere, just not sure where they went; this craftster tutorial tells you to use fly-fishing feathers, but I can't seem to locate any lately in stores (I wonder why...?)
But I'm cheap and lazy... too lazy to hunt.
I found some nicer feathers at Michaels, but again: LAZY.
Anyway, add a pair of needle nose pliers and a piece of thread to catch the hair and add the bead and WHAMMO! Easy peasy addition to the hair. Instruction: Create fold in thread; gather hair in fold of thread. Place bead on to open ends of thread. Slip over length of thread. Pull hair from fold of thread. Keep bead in hair. Add feather to hole. Chop off pointy end of feather that lies above the bead. Squeeze with needle nosed pliers.
Cheer in awesome cheapness. (optional).

Also, in my life news:

BioShock bunny splicer mask= finally done.
Damn, I'm awesome.