Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

Wow. A new year. How delightful.
I've been lost lately. Unsure as to how to proceed. I feel like I'm not sure where exactly I'm going in school. I mean, I started with an ancient History major, switched to business on the basis that I can score abnormally well with next to no class time under my belt ( I went to one class last semester twice, maybe three times--and pulled out with an 81. That was with no working, no studying and no effort. It happens quite often.) However, I'm finding that with that information in mind, I also feel like I'm bored there, because it's so much common sense that I don't think I can bother going to class anymore. If not solely for the fact that I'm bored. Senseless.
It's become more fun to go to work.

Actually. I'd rather be working because these classes are sooooo boring, that I don't understand how people don't just know this stuff.

Anyway, I've adopted a few rats. And, they also hate each other. I mean, like, hate. Sqwomm and a new girl, Calla, just don't get along. At all. Both are the alphas. Both Really don't like each other. Capital there. In fact, I am pretty sure that Calla removed one of Sqwomm's toes in a scuffle. And that is okay, but worrisome. Today I tried a short intro and they were okay. I cleaned their cages and switched them around, too. Hopefully it's okay.